Thursday, September 1, 2011

If S.E. Cupp Was a Kitteh: Would She Love Me Then?

Police sketch artist's rendition of a kitteh S.E. Cupp.

Hey fellow crime kittehs,

It's me Det. Kitowicz.

The other day I saw this dumb article on called "If Michael Vick Was White".  The gist of the article was that if Vick had been white he would have gotten off easy for his crimes.  Wait, Michael Vick is a sociopath and a mass murderer of puppehs and kittehs, he spent less than two years locked up.  So how much easier could they have made it for him?  Have the judge suck his dick?

Anyway, this silly mouse game of wondering what people would be like if they had been born different got me thinking about S.E. Cupp.

I am so in love with her but she is a human and I am a kitteh, it just isn't meant to be.  Bestiality is illegal and crime kittehs don't break the law.

But what if S.E. Cupp was a kitteh?

Would we have the most beautiful wedding ever with a giant mural of a unicorn and Pegasus signing a peace accord? Putting a stop to their endless Pegasus vs. unicorn fighting.

So think about it fellow crime kittehs, imagine how beautiful the world would be if S.E. Cupp was a kitteh, and me and her had the cutest litter of kittehs ever!

Det. Kitowicz
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