Friday, July 29, 2011

Crime Kittehs Top 5 Lamest Killers!!!

5. Ted "Theodore" Bundy:

Ted Bundy was known for being handsome and charming, he was known this way mainly by his BFF Ann Rule, and she wrote a whole bestselling book that went on and on about how handsome he was.  Yeah Ann Rule, whatever, if your idea of handsome is short and creepy and dressed up in crappy sweaters.  :P

4. Andrew Cunanan:

Totally the most "whatevs" serial killer ever.  The less said about Cunanan the better.

3. "The Real Killers":

These two shady little puppehs slashed Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman to death with razor knives and framed superstar football player O.J. Simpson up for the crime.  The Real Killers are cowards and Crime Kittehs is calling them out.  Show yourselves!

2. Jersey "Ocean Maniac" Maneater:

Ocean creatures belong in my belleh not on a most wanted list!  Silly shark!

1. The Route 29 Stalker:

Police sketch of suspected "Route 29 Stalker".

You suck! Why did you kill Alicia Reynolds? She was in her fourth year at graduate school and making something of herself, you sick bastard!!!

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